
Space Frontier 2: Game Design in Depth

Basics Space Frontier 2 is a space exploration game published by Ketchapp and developed by Part Time Monkey with Design by LynxSwamp. The game tasks the player with exploring the galaxy one solar system at a time. The player launches a multistage rocket into space and then taps the screen in order to detach each stage of the rocket. Detaching a stage reveals another rocket booster which propels the rocket further into space. Each planet reached is colonized by the astronauts on board the rocket. These astronauts passively generate money that can be spent on rocket upgrades, more astronauts, and further exploration into the galaxy. Core Loop and Metagame The core gameplay for Space Frontier 2 is launching the multistage rocket into space to land on planets. The player repeats this process to generate money. The metagame is exploring the galaxy and reaching new solar systems. Each new system contains the same core gameplay as the first. The difference...